
Pastor & Staff

Reverend Omaràn D. Lee, I. D.Min

Senior Pastor

The Reverend Dr. Omaràn DèVon Lee,I. is an ordained Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. A native of Nashville, Tennessee, and raised in North Nashville, Rev. Lee accepted his calling at St. Paul AME Church. He was licensed to preach in 2007. On October 23, 2011, during the 144th Tennessee Annual Conference, he was ordained Itinerant Deacon at Greater Bethel AME Church, and on October 20, 2017, during the 150th Tennessee Annual Conference. Omaràn was ordained Itinerant Elder. Rev. Lee graduated from the Arts Magnet at Pearl-Cohn Comprehensive High School. He received a B.A. degree in English from Fisk University in 2001 and studied Non-Profit Management at the Institute for Government at Tennessee State University. Rev. Lee obtained training as a Resident Chaplain in Clinical Pastoral Education program (CPE) at Tennessee Valley Health System Veteran’s Affairs.  He also graduated from Lipscomb University’s Hazelip School of Theology Master of Divinity program in Nashville, Tennessee.  He received his Doctorate in Ministry with a concentration in Clinical Pastoral Therapy from Memphis Theological Seminary.
Currently, he is the Director of Spiritual Care at Nashville General Hospital. Also, he serves as the Pastor of  NewWork Fellowship ( an AME plant) in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. He is the former Pastor St. John AME in Springfield, Tennessee, St. James AME Nashville, and Green Chapel, Hartsville, Tennessee. He is the founder of Reach One, Teach One, Foundation Inc., a 501©-3 non-profit organization.
Chaplain Lee also serves on community boards and local and state-level positions. He has a pre-licensure counseling ministry, Centers For Wellbeing. Rev. Lee serves as the 13th Episcopal District’s Tennessee Annual Conference Chair for Social Justice. He is the Treasurer of the Interdenominational Ministers Fellowship (IMF) Community Fund.
He is a Grand Inspector General of the United Supreme Council PHA, with membership in James A. Henry Consistory #48. As well as Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Hella Temple #105, and a Past Master of Mt. Nebo #67, Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated, Past District Public Relations Director, and Past Grand Director of Chaplaincy for the State of Tennessee. A member of Kappa Alpha Psi, Nashville Alumni Chapter.
Rev. Lee is the son of the late William E. Fisher, Sr. and Ms. Tommie Louise Lee and was greatly influenced by the guidance of his late stepfather, Billy Watkins, Jr. He is married to Heather L. Lee and has three children: Kiara, Omaràn II, and Iris Jade. He enjoys traveling, playing golf, grilling, family/friends gatherings, writing, blogging, and reading in his spare time.